The Zwarte Valk is equiped for 16 guests.
From the deck a quarter round staircase leads to the light and cosy interior with its big table and comfortable loungecouch.
The spacy galley has every comfort you need; a 6 flames Boretti gasstove with oven and hood.
A dishwasher, 2 refridgerators, a coffemachine and a large granite dresser.
The double cabins all have comfortable beds with 2 meters length and a bedlight, a washingbowl with hot and cold flowing water, heating, 220 Volts (continental plug), port-hole and a deck window.
Our specials: 4 cabins are without bunkbeds!
Sanitery: 2 toilets (not flushed with drinking water and 2 spacious showers.

In the loungecorner a chessboard awaits you.
There are many (Dutch) games on board, like ‘Kolonisten van Catan’, Mah jongg and the Zuiderzeegame. And of course playing cards, poker, backgammon en jenga.